Okay! .. here are some climbing pictures! It was supper fun and no one died so that was nice haha jk Noooo, the climbs were pretty easy so it wasn't really that dangerous.... Enjoy!

Getting our gear ready and trying to decide what to climb.... I think I took this picture but I'm not sure... it may have been Anna :)

Thats me leading the first climb (5.8/5.9 sport for those who know what that means) ;) Pic by Anna

Belaying Josh (I think this one was a 5.10 b+ or something like that.. don't remember) Pic by Anna

He was a pretty good climber :)
So that pretty much wraps up Oregon.... we had a great time but sadly .... it all had to end :( We dropped Will and Merrie off at the airport, stayed a night with the Z's, headed to Boise and stayed a couple days with the Roberts and pretty much just chilled. I didn't take any pictures there so the next post will be Zion.......
Looks like it was fun!