I LOVE water! Its awesome to be in it and its really fun to take pictures of it. We went snorkeling at Shaws cove at Laguna Beach and here are some pics I took of the Ocean. The water was this amazing color and SO clear... It was awesome... a little cold though ;) If you want to see more of my water pictures go here: http://www.clrangle.com/portfolio/?type=water
Disney Land.... We went and watched the fireworks one night :)
Then the sad truth.... we had to go home. The people there are awesome and everything but we reeeeally didn't want to go home to 105 + ... but we did ... and we're still alive. I've decided that living in Oklahoma just makes other places seem THAT much more awesome and I'm really thankful for all the blessings that were handed to us throughout that 3 week trip :)
:-o wow dude...