Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Okay, well these are some pics that I took in Colorado, before we went to Or..... haha! kinda backward but I'll kinda be going backward until I take some new pics!

All of the following pictures we taken at over 11,000ft above sea level. I tried to list all of the elevations but they probably aren't very accurate! :D

High mountain Columbines ....Approx. 12,500ft

Near the top of the Continental Divide looking East.... Approx. 12,300ft

A butterfly on our Summit lake hike... Approx. 12,000ft

A storm coming in... from the top of the CD near Loveland Pass... Approx. 12,500ft

Taken on a hike we did with some friends.... Approx. 11,400ft

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Some more of Oregon...

Okay, well these are the last of my Oregon Pictures... :( Yep! Sarah and I made it home and I'm finally recover from that wall of humidity that hit me when I got here! And it has been raining practically ever since ;) LOL ;)

Anyways.. here are some more pics! :D

One of the covered bridges that we saw while visiting the Smiths for the second time.

Lydia Smith

Silver Creek Falls

Another one :D

Another Picture from the top of Sahalie Falls

Okay, well thats all for now.. I guess I won't be taking as many pictures since we're back in Oklahoma... I will probably be posting some old ones on here to keep this going though!

Friday, August 15, 2008


Okay so we went to Washington last week and here are some of the pics that I took up there! :D

The friends we stayed with had a deer feeder.. this was it with my shutter open for 26 min.

The moon about to set

We went backpacking for one night while we were up there... this is Hunt Lake.

Our Fire 20min

My tent 30 min.. haha It took a lot of long shutter pics up there! :D

Another one of hunt lake!

We went to Mt St Helens on the way back but it was all cloudy so I didn't get any pix so these will have to do! :D

Anyways... we're heading back to Ok. tomorrow morning...EARLY! :D

Monday, August 11, 2008

More of Oregon

Rowing on clear lake! :D

Sahalie Falls

Above Sahalie falls

McKenzie Falls.. I think ;)

The sunset from the top of Santiam Pass, Oregon

Mt Washington During sunset

Three Fingered Jack


Mt Hood

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Music Camp

The Voetbergs at the Booher Family Music Camp

The North Sister mountain(Faith) west of Sisters, Oregon

