Okay, well these are some pics that I took in Colorado, before we went to Or..... haha! kinda backward but I'll kinda be going backward until I take some new pics!
All of the following pictures we taken at over 11,000ft above sea level. I tried to list all of the elevations but they probably aren't very accurate! :D
High mountain Columbines ....Approx. 12,500ft

Near the top of the Continental Divide looking East.... Approx. 12,300ft

A butterfly on our Summit lake hike... Approx. 12,000ft

A storm coming in... from the top of the CD near Loveland Pass... Approx. 12,500ft

Taken on a hike we did with some friends.... Approx. 11,400ft

All of the following pictures we taken at over 11,000ft above sea level. I tried to list all of the elevations but they probably aren't very accurate! :D
High mountain Columbines ....Approx. 12,500ft

Near the top of the Continental Divide looking East.... Approx. 12,300ft

A butterfly on our Summit lake hike... Approx. 12,000ft

A storm coming in... from the top of the CD near Loveland Pass... Approx. 12,500ft

Taken on a hike we did with some friends.... Approx. 11,400ft