Okay well this may be a record amount of pictures for a post haha but here goes :)
Summit lake at about 7 am :)
looking back down at summit lake from a little way up the mtn.
Well this one was so plain and boring that I thought it had to be posted :)
Naylor Lake!
The view looking north... You can see Grays and Torry's but they are covered with clouds.
The edge of the Saw tooth.
Thats the ridge that I took over to Beirstadt.
The arrow is where I dropped in.... if you look really close you might be able to see Sarah standing up there :P
Okay there she is... zoomed in at 200mm :) Taken from the same spot.
So this is a kinda different 360 deg panorama from the top of Beirstadt.. Decided to do something different with it :)
Thanks for looking! :)